Conference location
The conference will take place on the university campus in central Strasbourg :
Palais Universitaire9 place de l'Université67000 STRASBOURG 
The registration desk will be located right in front of you, on your right, when you enter the University Palace. It will open from 8:00 AM on Monday 23rd.

PLENARY SESSIONS will take place in the 'Salle Pasteur' (1st Floor of the University Palace). Follow the signs !
PARALLEL SESSIONS will take place in the 'Salle Pasteur' of the University Palace, or in the Viaud amphitheater of the Psychology Faculty (Monday and Tuesday), or in the Weiss amphitheater in the Physics Institute (Wednesday). Students will guide you there (see map on page 7).
COFFEE BREAKS : will take place in front of the Salle Pasteur (1st Floor of the University Palace).
LUNCH : a free Buffet Lunch will be available in the Hall on the ground Floor of the University Palace, near the posters.
