Short talk titles > Monday 23rd October 11.30am-1pm

Temporal Expectations (Chair: Anne Giersch)

  1. Implicit temporal predictability improves auditory pitch discrimination sensitivity.  Sophie K. Herbst (Germany), Virginie van Wassenhove, Jonas Obleser
  2. Saccadic Inhibition as an Index of Anticipation in a Discrimination Task. Roy Amit (Israel), Dekel Abeles, Marisa Carrasco, Shlomit Yuval-Greenberg
  3. Neurological evidence of a dual origin of the foreperiod effect. Bertrand Degos (France) Ilhame Ameqrane, Sophie Rivaud Péchoux, Pierre Pouget, Marcus Missal
  4. Prospects of a multiple trace theory of temporal preparation.  Sander Los (The Netherlands), Wouter Kruijne, Martijn Meeter
  5. Task-oriented optimal inference in interval timing.  Zhenguang Cai (UK), Maarten Speekenbrink
  6. Human Perceived Timing Follows Principles of Bayesian Inference.  Darren Rhodes (UK), Massimiliano Di Luca




Modulation and Representation of Perceived Time (Chair: Marc Wittmann)

  1. How Pain Affects Time Estimation. A Physiological Study.  Andrea Piovesan (UK), Laura Mirams, Helen Poole, David Moore, Michael Richter, Ruth Ogden 
  2. Caloric Rewards Alter Time Perception and Time-Dependent Decision Making.  Bowen J Fung (Australia), Stefan Bode, Carsten Murawski
  3. Temporal Representations in the Duration Discrimination Task.  Başak Akdoğan (USA), Randy Gallistel, Ben Gersten, Amita Wanar, Peter Balsam 
  4. The Relation Between Symbolic and Non-symbolic Representations of Time.  Karina Hamamouche (USA), Sara Cordes
  5. Modality Specific Rate Aftereffects: Evidence Towards Distributed Timing Mechanisms.  Aysha Motala (UK) , David Whitaker
  6. Observers Adapt to the Physical, not the Perceived Duration of Visual Events. Jim Maarseveen (The Netherlands), Chris L.E. Paffen, Frans A. J. Verstraten, Hinze Hogendoorn


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