Symposia :
8 Symposia will be selected from submitted proposals. Each symposium must be themed around a single, unified topic and should include 3 or 4 oral presentations organized by a chairperson (who can also be a presenter). The total duration of the symposium should not exceed 1 hour and 15 minutes. The chairperson is responsible for submitting the symposium proposal and for recruiting speakers. Symposia on current topics and of a multidisciplinary nature are encouraged.
Please use the template provided on the website. Delete the content of this template, insert your text, and format all elements of your text (heading, author names, body text) using the styles that come with the template (more details within the template).
Symposium proposals should include the following:
The name, contact information, and affiliation of the symposium chairperson.
A title
A brief abstract describing the symposium’s objective and topics to be covered (maximum 500 words, and maximum 3 references).
Up to 5 keywords.
The title of each presentation, with a listing of proposed speakers, their affiliations and contact information. For multi-author papers, please underline the presenter.
A short abstract for each presentation (max 150 words with references)
Abbreviations must be spelled out in full at their first use. Do not use abbreviations in the title. Use only standard abbreviations.
If your symposium proposal is not accepted, the abstracts will be automatically re-considered for poster or oral presentation.
Registration will be free for symposia ORGANIZERS and symposia SPEAKERS (though not for all co-authors of individual symposium abstracts).
Symposia ORGANIZERS will be entitled to a free Gala Dinner.