Poster format & blitz


All participants with an accepted poster should prepare a printed poster, which details the Background, Methods, Results & Conclusions of the study.  You will be required to stand next to your poster during one of the two poster sessions on Monday or Tuesday.  You should have received an e-mail telling you which day you should present your poster.


Poster format

Posters must be printed in PORTRAIT format

(tall and narrow, NOT short and wide)


Posters should be a maximum size of 1.6m high x 1.1m wide.

(poster boards upon which the posters are hung are 2m x 1.2m).  

 POSTERS will be displayed on the Ground Floor in the Hall behind the registration desk. Poster grids will be numbered and you can find the number for your poster in this program. An updated list will be available for both sessions. Please mount your posters by noon. We expect you to be present in front of your poster for at least one hour of the session.


Poster blitz

Selected posters (see below) will also be presented as a short oral presentation during the Poster Blitz session on Tuesday afternoon.  Selected authors should prepare 3-5 slides detailing the highlights of their study (Powerpoint or pdf format only).  The talk should be A MAXIMUM OF 5 MINUTES.  We will be ruthless in terms of timing!  There will be no questions from the audience, as all discussions can take place during the poster sessions.


The fate of temporal expectations in noisy environments: Robust extraction of temporal regularities is limited to multisensory events
Felix Ball, Lara Michels, Toemme Noesselt 

On the Stability of Temporal Reference Information in Duration Discrimination
Ruben Ellinghaus, Karin Bausenhart, Rolf Ulrich 

The influence of Temporal Predictability on Response Inhibition
Inga Korolczuk, Boris Burle, Jennifer Coull  

Intention and Prediction in Time Perception
Mukesh Makwana, Narayanan Srinivasan 

Activity of Cholinergic Interneurons in the Primate Striatum during a Time Estimation task
Anne-Caroline Martel, Paul Apicella 

Decoding the Representation of Time in Brain States using Multivariate Pattern Analysis
Vanessa Morita, Fernanda Bueno, Raphael de Camargo, Marcelo Reyes, Marcelo S Caetano, Andre Cravo 

An Intracranial Electroencephalography Investigation of the Supplementary Motor Area in the Reproduction of Supra-Second Time Intervals
Micha Pfeuty, Vincent Monfort, Madelyne Klein, Julien Krieg, Steffie Collé, Jean-Pierre Vignal, Jacques Jonas, Louis Maillard 

Cortical network for internal representation of rhythmic stimulus
Eduardo Rojas-Hortelano 

Causality as the determinant factor for Intentional Binding in naturalistic event sequences
Vassilis Thanopoulos, Argiro Vatakis 

Dynamic Prosodic Features in Bipolar Disorder: How Shifting Vocal Patterns in Verbal Fluency Tasks Can Aid the Detection of Mixed Symptoms
Luisa Weiner, Nicola Vanello, Andrea Guidi, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, Nadège Doignon-Camus, Gilles Bertschy, Anne Giersch 

The timing mechanism in the hundreds of milliseconds is disrupted by a D2 agonist
Karyna Yc



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