General guidelines
The conference will include themed symposia, short oral sessions, and poster presentations. We invite you to submit abstracts for short oral and poster presentations and/or proposals to organize symposia.
Please see >Symposia> or >Posters and talks for instructions specific to each type of submission.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the scientific committee, composed of TRF Committee members and the conference organizers. We aim to send decisions by 1 June for symposia proposals and mid-June for posters & talks.
Abstracts will be published in Timing & Time Perception Reviews.
5th May 2017
To submit an abstract
1. Please use the template provided below for all submissions (Symposia, Poster, Talk).
Template for abstract submission
2. Go to Submissions >Abstract Submission. Enter title and choose type of submission (oral, poster, symposium).
3. Enter up to 6 keywords, separated by a semi-colon. Please choose at least 1 keyword from each of the following four lists:
Theme: duration, order, resolution, prediction, rhythms, synchrony, music, language, circadian, multisensory
Technique: behaviour, MRI, MEG, TMS, electrophysiology, neuropsychology, pharmacology, modelling
Population: adult, children, aging, patient (specify), animal (specify), simulated data
Timescale: 10s-100s of ms, 100s of ms-secs, secs-mins, mins-hours
We will be analysing the frequency of different keywords to get an idea of the variety of timing research being conducted by the community, so please try to restrict yourselves to the suggestions provided. If absolutely necessary, one keyword that does not appear in the list above may be included.
4. Add authors one by one with their affiliations. Note that if the institution does not appear in the pull-down menu you can add it manually. Please indicate which of the authors will be the speaker (for talks) or presenter (for posters) of the submission. (Although note that the website uses the word "speaker" for both poster and oral presentations).
5. Attach your .docx abstract file, which will be automatically converted to pdf format.
6. Check the overview of the submission and press Submit!
Student travel grants
We offer a small number of student grants.
Please mention that you wish to apply for a grant at the end of your abstract. Grants will be awarded by the scientific committee based on the quality and interest of the abstract.